The Resonance Factor

‘Resonance’: the power to evoke enduring images, memories and emotions

‘Factor’: a circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to a result

(Oxford Dictionary, OUP, 2010)

The Resonance Factor is a concept developed by Janus Solutions, that stands aside from other models such as 12-step, cognitive behavioural therapy, harm reduction, psychotherapy and other culture specific interventions.  Yet it is a model that can be readily used in conjunction with these approaches as it is designed to complement, rather than detract from those theories or approaches.

The Resonance Factor is unique because it focuses primarily on the service users relationship with their drug of choice.  We recognise that people use drugs to alter how they  feel, think and behave, in other words, drugs change the way we view the world.  In order to explore this, we will explore:

  • The pleasure derived from their drug use
  • It’s all about the high!
The service user will then explore five key aspects of their drug use:

Cravings and how to recognise them in their many guises

The user's Drug DNA!  This refers to the interaction between the properties of the drug used, and user's individual biological make up, that contributes to the unique relationship between the user and their drug of choice   


Lapse, Lapse Management and Relapse   How they diffeand what beliefs and consequences the service user attaches to each  
   Helping the service user to understand and recognise their justifications and why they repeat the same behaviours

Transition - the grief process   How the service user manages 'letting go' and moving on throughout the process the worker will be committed to being authentic with the service user.  This honest relationship is fundamental to helping the service user increase their self awareness in relation to their drug using behaviour.  The Resonance Factor puts obstacles in the way  that interfere with a clients drug use, and the way they think about it.  The focus on justifications allows the service user to understand their thinking and planning in order to use.  While justifications are a common aspect of human behaviour usually created when a person feels uncomfortable, this intervention provides an opportunity to pause and think, creating a space for decisions and choices.

Janus believes that people stop using drugs or alcohol in a destructive way for a variety of reasons but rarely because they dislike the effect or because they reach a sudden decision that they are ready to change.  On the contrary, we believe that often the motivator is external and either enforced, or contributing to an increasing committment to change.

Janus believes that people can overcome an addiction, and fully recover from habitual drug or alcohol use without returning to it.  At Janus we take the service user on a journey to discover the true nature of their relationship to the drug of choice, expose it and examine it.  Thereafter, the service user can grieve the loss of their drug use and consider a life without it.  An exploration of addiction and dependency then complements the work and enables the service user to see a different type of life.  

Copyright 2009